Terms of Service

Supaclick Basically offers earning opportunities for a membership fee. It should be noted that your membership fee is not an investment from which you will be expecting a high profit or ROI. Your membership fee gives you access to the opportunity we offer you. We use this money to fund the running, maintenance, and management of this platform, including server management. We also use this membership money to fund our Data partner’s wallet to credit your data earnings, reward referral bonuses, and also to pay you cash equivalents on request. Hence, NO REFUND after your payment and registration.

It should also be noted that Supaclick's modus operandi, including earning rate, data withdrawal, and payout processes, is subject to change at any time, amended and adjusted to favor members and for the sustainability of the platform to avoid any failure from sharing benefits as planned.

Supaclick and its earning opportunities are not funded or run by any of the financial platforms we use for both pay-in and payout. We only use their services to run Supaclick business and earning opportunities. As any of these platforms are not liable for the success or failure of Supaclick platform, none of the companies can be held responsible for any result from users either benefiting from the opportunity or otherwise.

The Board of Creatives and all team members, including coupon code vendors, are also not liable for user success or otherwise as any business risk is concerned.

You are advised to also read the earning disclaimer and the complete terms of service from this website footer link for a proper understanding and membership agreement.

Signed: Supaclick